"When I look at this picture, I see trees, a truck, ice, a glove, the street and other details in the background and surroundings. I see life, nature and technology. The most important thing in the picture is the glove with ice on it ... me. I get a happy feeling from this picture because there's ice everywhere. It reminds me of a mystery case when there's a clue or something, and they wipe something off, and it stays on their gloves. It looks cold, but there's also a warm feeling because of the glove."
7th Grade
Raul Yzaguirre School For Success [RYSS]
Houston, TX
I liked this picture. It was very mysterious! You were wearing a glove, but it wasn't snowing out. Also it didn't look cold enough to wear a glove because it was a sunny day! Does it ever snow in Texas?
Hey, whats on your glove? It looks like dirt but i'm not sure if it is.
By the way that wasn't Mr.Gillespie, it was Marissa.
I think this picture is really cool. It tells you a couple things about that person. Like they like the snow and that they live in a cold place. And I think it tells you that you like the cold.
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